Gengahr: Tired Eyes EP

gengahrAs we enter the month of ghosts and ghouls that is October, a beautifully eerie Gengahr release surprise EP Tired Eyes– one which follows on to create deluxe version of debut album A Dream Outside. Out of the blue and into our ears flows the enchanting tunes of said four piece, an EP that seems like a toe dipped in the edge of a dream-like pool of new indie sounds.

With opening namesake track ‘Tired Eyes’ comes an achy and rich song that’s coherent to the relaxed sounds they’ve already demonstrated previously. A track to listen to on public transport after a day at work, the heavy and compressing guitars contrast the sweet and soft vocals- leaving you in a state of dreamy euphoria.

Followed with ‘Fade To Black’, Gengahr prove how technically accomplished they are, layers of the song building and brushing just like beautiful album artwork does too. Although a bit too similar at some points, their songs seemingly falling into one single ball of whimsical relaxation, they still find a way to help you sit back and dive into a stupor of musical delicacy.

Last song ‘Loki’ provides a scratchy dark side to Gengahr that seems new and refreshed, something that knocks the balance and plain sailing stride out of the EP as much as Thor’s brother actually does in the world of Asgard. An other worldly feel is prominent on this track, the underwater metallic sound fizzling the song away in slow serenity. With biggest tour yet starting Thursday, Gengahr up the momentum and expectation with Tired Eyes EP- and if you’re hungry for a magical doze, or feel like being transported to a carefree laid back world, then don’t miss out on seeing them live.


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