Boogarins: Manual

Photo by Beatriz Pernini

How have I not heard of these guys before? As Indie as we here at PLUM like to pretend we are, our knowledge of Brazilian Psych isn’t particularly large. This however, is hopefully something that will change with Boogarins.

‘Truques’ is a short indie-folk odyssey that has been baptised in reverb, but even this is only an intro to what is the first major track on the album, ‘Avalanche’. Without trying to sound too cliché… ‘Avalanche’ is a psych rock dreamscape, with guitar solos the size of Mars. Like most of the tracks here, it exquisitely walks the tightrope between the heavy ‘all-aboard-the-cock-mobile’ side of psych and its lighter, floaty side.

‘Tempo’ once again takes from their more folky shade of their pallet, flipping between an intertwined vocal and guitar melody and mashing guitar chords. One of the things I love about the songs on this album is that they ooze the feeling that they are definitely from Brazil. This gives them an original sound, something that is not so present in the Psych scene at the moment (see the latest Tame Impala album).

The single ‘6000 Dias’ is catchy as hell, and takes the Tropicana style to a whole other level. Saying this, there are times when perhaps the lyrical style would have gripped me on other albums that I cannot be gripped due to my lack of understanding Portuguese, but that’s down to my own laziness more than Boogarins lyric writing. The album builds up and winds down like any good album should, and the oft tracks at the end soothe the soul.

These guys play The Old Blue Last in London at the end of the month. If I’m not mistaken that’s a FREE venue. I won’t be able to go, but there’s hope yet for you. If you’re around the capital, go. You won’t regret it.

The new album Manual is released October 30th and can be pre-ordered here.


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