Superfood: Boston Arms

Going to London for gigs always feels special; I’ve never left a gig I’ve travelled far for unsatisfied- and Superfood most definitely did not break this trend. In a small bar venue, Boston Music Room holds hoards of excitable Superfood fans, the atmosphere really buzzing from the very beginning. Going with a huge gaggle of people who welcome this Norwich stranger with warm arms, the London crowd is absolutely lovely- I’ve never felt more included.superfoood

In conjunction with all of this- tonight is a sold out gig, and as soon as the four piece take to that stage the floor opens up into one giant mosh pit of writhing fans. Kick-starting with ‘Right On Satellite’, Superfood show they have the same carefree energy they had a year ago when I saw them on the NME New Breed tour, songs from debut Don’t Say That still having the fresh and lively feel that we love. Next up is ‘You Can Believe’, and the audience continues to throw people up in the air to crowd surf. Still, the crowd is respectful and fun, everyone looking after each other as the band belt out new songs of the likes of ‘Clean Mike’ and ‘Principles’. They’re still raw, but it’s great to hear new material from them, and it leaves everyone anticipating future releases.

Renowned for being spontaneous, fun and a quite down to earth band, there’s a real sense that Superfood appreciate their audience, and it really makes the trip down to London feel worthwhile. Finishing with namesake song ‘Superfood’, the intro is layered with whispers of “stage stage stage” from the crowd, and our whispers turn into actions. A Boston Arms stage invasion takes place, and as people go flying into the drum kits, lead singer Dom falls right over into the crowds loving arms; everyone is completely enthralled.

The set was small, but to be honest it didn’t need to be longer. The atmosphere was absolutely great, and it was impossible to leave the venue without a smile on your face. Thank you London and thank you Superfood.


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