Tune Tuesday: Pumarosa – Priestess

I was lucky enough to catch the last song of Pumarosa’s set when they supported Gengahr at Norwich Arts Centre. I fell in love with the track named ‘Priestess‘ instantly and kicked myself for not getting there in time to watch their whole set. The band had a great aura about them and a brilliant […]

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Interview With Cabrakid

This week I had a chat with Cabrakid to talk about the release of their new EP ‘When You Back?’. We talked through each track and what it meant to them personally. Here’s how it went. First of all, can you tell me a little bit about yourselves and how you met? Jake: Cabrakid is […]

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November Playlist

November so far has been pretty bleak, but one thing that keeps me sane in the dark autumn/winter months is some good music. That in mind, I’ve put together a little playlist for you all, in the hopes that you can keep ahold of your sanity too. It features some hip hop and grime songs […]

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Night out in Norwich: Halloween

It’s finally here. Halloween. The only day of the year when it’s socially acceptable to knock on strangers’ doors asking for food. A day where costumes are thrown together at the last minute on mass. A day when 90% of the female population magically transform into cats. I fucking love it! With many of Norwich’s […]

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