Superfood: Boston Arms

Going to London for gigs always feels special; I’ve never left a gig I’ve travelled far for unsatisfied- and Superfood most definitely did not break this trend. In a small bar venue, Boston Music Room holds hoards of excitable Superfood fans, the atmosphere really buzzing from the very beginning. Going with a huge gaggle of […]

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Live: The Maccabees

Sass: Having seen Drenge five times this year and them absolutely smashing it every set, the three boys had a lot to live up to. An odd support for the likes of The Maccabees in my eyes, but one to get the energy going from the start, Drenge kickstart the evening with tracks from their debut […]

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Interview: Spring King

A band full of energy, excitement and charisma, Spring King are currently bouncing up and down the country on their tour with Slaves. This bounce seems absolutely relentless; they are constantly making new music and touring with massive names in the music business- so we caught up with them before they play their Norwich show […]

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Ellie: The first time I heard alt-rock band Foals was circa 2009, with the release of their second (and my personal favourite) album Total Life Forever. The album, featuring some absolute artworks such as Spanish Sahara and Alabaster, was an utter dream. It sparked my ever-lasting admiration and love for Foals as a band. The way they’ve […]